Export CRM Tasks into CSV

We are excited to share with you the latest release of ToolsonCloud CRM. In this update we have released a new feature to Export CRM tasks into CSV. 

Read on to learn more about this update…


There was a need for a functionality for users to be able to export tasks in the CRM into a spreadsheet or excel file so that they can track the tasks offline for certain data analysis and reporting purpose.

What’s New?

With this release, now users will be able to export all the Tasks in ToolsonCloud CRM into spreadsheet in CSV file format.

In Tasks list page, users will be able to locate a new 3 dot menu option just next to the “Add Task” button. On clicking this option, users will get a dropdown menu option titled “Export to CSV”. 

On clicking on this button, system shall download a CSV file containing the list of all tasks in the CRM.

The CSV file shall contain all the important field attributes such as Task Title, Comment, Status, Priority, Date scheduled, Task owner, Date created, Linked Lead, Linked Deal, Linked Contact.

I hope you will find this feature helpful. Do let me know your thoughts…

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