WhatsApp Chat with CRM contacts without adding contact

We are excited to share the latest update of ToolsonCloud CRM. In this release, we have made certain enhancements for a better user experience of the users. Now users will be able to quickly chat with their CRM contacts on WhatsApp within a single click.

Here’s is a brief note about this Release…



We wanted to enhance the user experience of the users. Now a days, almost everyone uses WhatsApp and it is common for Sales persons to use WhatsApp chat for quick chat communications with their prospects and customer contacts.

Until now, In order to start a Whatsapp conversation, the CRM users were required to add the customer’s mobile number in advance on their phone to initiate a WhatsApp conversation. 

This becomes a pain point for the CRM users when they have a huge contact list to chat with…

What’s New?

Now CRM users need not go through the hassles of adding the contact on their mobile number in order to initiate a WhatsApp conversation with their prospect or contacts.

In ToolsonCloud CRM, users will now get a WhatsApp chat icon next to the Mobile number of the contact. This will be made available on detail page of the Lead, Person Contact as well as Organization Contact. 

Users can click on the WhatsApp Chat icon. They will be instantly redirected to WhatsApp. 

  • WhatsApp for Web (if you are accessing on Computer) or 
  • WhatsApp Mobile app (if you are accessing on Mobile phone) or 
  • WhatsApp Desktop (if you have WhatsApp Desktop app installed)

You can proceed to start the chat with your contact from here on, without the need for you to manually add them to your contact before initiating a conversation.

I hope this feature will improve your experience of using ToolsonCloud CRM. Do let me know your thoughts and feedback on this…

Export CRM Tasks into CSV

We are excited to share with you the latest release of ToolsonCloud CRM. In this update we have released a new feature to Export CRM tasks into CSV. 

Read on to learn more about this update…


There was a need for a functionality for users to be able to export tasks in the CRM into a spreadsheet or excel file so that they can track the tasks offline for certain data analysis and reporting purpose.

What’s New?

With this release, now users will be able to export all the Tasks in ToolsonCloud CRM into spreadsheet in CSV file format.

In Tasks list page, users will be able to locate a new 3 dot menu option just next to the “Add Task” button. On clicking this option, users will get a dropdown menu option titled “Export to CSV”. 

On clicking on this button, system shall download a CSV file containing the list of all tasks in the CRM.

The CSV file shall contain all the important field attributes such as Task Title, Comment, Status, Priority, Date scheduled, Task owner, Date created, Linked Lead, Linked Deal, Linked Contact.

I hope you will find this feature helpful. Do let me know your thoughts…

Convert CRM Lead to a Contact

We are thrilled to be back with a new release of ToolsonCloud CRM. In this release, we have released a new feature that lets you convert a Lead to a Contact in CRM.

Read on to learn more about this update…

Need for this?

Based on our conversation with customers, there are instances where the users have added the leads and once they are converted they do not want to take the pain to create another Contact. While creating another Contact doesn’t take much of a time, but if there are lot of Leads and it is a regular process, then it becomes redundant for the user to keep entering the same form data again and again to create a Contact. 

We do have a feature to convert Lead to Deal, however a feature to convert Lead to Contact was missing until now. Hence, there was a need for a feature to allow users to quickly convert a Lead to a Contact.

What’s new?

With the latest release, users will now get an option to convert a Lead to a contact.

This option will be available as dropdown option in the 3 dot menu option in Leads detail page.

Once the user clicks on the option titled “Convert Lead to Contact”, they will get a prompt to confirm their action.

Once the user confirms, system will create a CRM contact with the same data present under the CRM Lead. Users can visit the People Contact page to view the newly added contact.

I hope this feature will help you improve your productivity. Do let us know your feedback…

Improved Sales Analytics in CRM Dashboard

We are thrilled to share with you the latest release of ToolsonCloud CRM.

In this update, we bring to you a loads of features and UI improvement updates which includes enhancements in the CRM dashboard widgets to give you more sales insights. Here is a sneak peak into this release.


Sales leaders and professionals continually seek for ways to improve their sales performance. They achieve this by analyzing their data and by trying to uncover some important sales metrics. 

However as the sales activities happen on continuous basis, hence generating fresh reports and metrics on continuous basis becomes difficult and time consuming. 

Hence, we wanted to improvise on the dashboard widgets so that users can get some of the quick ready reckoner metrics instantly.

What’s New?

With the latest release, now users will get 4 new widgets on their CRM Dashboard. The newly introduced widgets will provide following insights:

1. Number of Leads Added

2. Number of Deals Added

3. Number of Contacts created

4. Number of Organization Added

Here’s a snapshot of the newly introduced widget

CRM Dashboard widgets

Users can instantly get these counts on their CRM dashboard without the need for them to manually go through the data to generate these numbers for their sales tracking.

I hope the users will find these useful. Do share your feedback and let us know your thoughts…

View top 5 sources of leads in CRM Dashboard

We are excited to share with you the latest release updates from ToolsonCloud CRM. In this release, we have added a new widget in your CRM dashboard to get more insights around your Leads. Read on to get a brief of this update.


We felt there is a need for users to get more insights into the various sources from where they are getting their leads. This will help them plan out their lead acquisition strategy and they can track this metrics directly from their CRM dashboard.

What’s New?

With this release, now users will be able to see a new widget in their CRM dashboard. The widget is shown below for reference.

As you can guess from the title, this widget will give the list of top 5 sources of leads added in your CRM. This widget will display the count of leads against each lead sources.

This insight will help you work on some of the questions around leads such as:

  1. Where are we getting most of our leads from?
  2. Is the cost of acquisition from each lead source/channel aligned with our business strategy?
  3. Do I need to put any effort to rebalance the count of leads generated from each channel to increase my conversion rate or to optimize the lead acquisition cost.
  4. Where do I need to put my marketing budget to see more traction from the top lead sources?

These are just sample insights for your reference as the actual questions may vary depending on your business.

We hope this enhancement will help improve your experience of using ToolsonCloud CRM.

 Bulk Import Organization contacts into CRM using CSV file

We are excited to share with you a new feature which we just released recently in ToolsonCloud CRM.

In this release, we have introduced Bulk import functionality for importing Organization contacts into the CRM. Here’s is a brief about this release.

Need for this?

We had bulk import functionality for uploading Leads into ToolsonCloud CRM using a CSV file. However, users also wanted to do add a lot of Organization contacts in bulk using a spreadsheet.

What’s New?

Now, users will be able to upload bulk Organization contacts into the CRM using a CSV file.

Users will get a new option titled “Bulk Import” in Organization contact page under the option icon on the top right corner. 

On clicking on this option, user will be navigated to the Bulk Import page.

Here user will be able to find a sample CSV file which they can download and add the information associated with the Organization contacts. Each Organization should be added in a separate row.

Once the CSV file is ready, users can go ahead and upload the bulk CSV file into the Bulk Import page by selecting the option as “Organization”.

Once done, all the contacts will be uploaded into the CRM.

We hope this feature would help improve your user experience and productivity.  Let us know your feedback.