Creative ways to offer discounts in Sales

If you are looking for some creative ways to offer discounts as part of your Sales promotion, then you are at the right place. Read on to explore some of the creative ways to offer discounts in your business.

1. Tiered Discounts

This is a discounting approach where you can set up multiple discount slabs or levels at different purchase values. An example for this is shown below:

a) 10% off if the customer buys for more than $50

b) 15% off if the customer buys for more than $100

c) 20% off if the customer buys for more than $200

This tiered discount gives a more perceived value to the customers at higher price points, hence they tend to purchase for higher order value. This helps you increase your sales revenue. If your unit economics is set correctly then, you will not lose much even if you offer a larger discount at higher bill amounts as the fixed cost gets reduced.

2. Loyalty Programs

In this approach, you run loyalty programs which benefits your existing loyal customer base. Here, you run marketing campaigns for your existing customers by rewarding them with exclusive discounts or cash back or offers. This helps you to drive repeat sales from your existing customer base. As your existing customer base is already familiar with your brand and already values you, they will willingly come back again, provided they are offered good products and service (and discounts in this context).

3. Product Bundle deals

In this approach, you try to bundle together certain related complementary products which your customer might be buying along with the primary products. Here, you make the bundled purchase favorable by offering certain promotional discounts in order to make the deal enticing for the customers. For. e.g. if your primary product is Mobile, you might make a bundled offer by providing mobile accessories like Screen Guards, Ear buds, Mobile covers at a discounted price. This will help you increase the ticket size of the purchase and shall help you with faster inventory turnaround.

4. Referral Discounts

In this technique, you create referral marketing campaigns by offering some value to the existing customers for referring their friends. This helps with word of mouth marketing for your business. Additionally the referred customers are always easy to convert as your existing loyal customer would have already endorsed your products and services to them, thus making your life easier. In this approach, you need to offer some discounts or promotions for your existing customers to encourage word of mouth marketing. For e.g. you can offer referral discounts for both newly referred customer and the existing customer.

5. Flash Sales Coupons

From time to time, you can offer flash sales coupons where you can offer a time bound promotional discount. This will help build a sense of urgency as well as popularity among your customer base who would want to make use of such promotional events from time to time. For e.g. Month end stock clearance product sales at discounted price or Happy hour discounted price on non-busy days.

I hope you will like using any of these discounting ideas as part of your next sales promotion campaign. Having said that, remember that the best sales promotion technique would be the one which aligns with your brand as well as your customer preferences. Hence, you need to carefully run some A/B marketing experiments on a subset of customers in order to understand and get useful insights.

How to automate sales workflows in CRM

If you are looking for ways to automate your sales process workflows in CRM, then you are at the right place. With increasing competition in sales, it is essential that your sales team delivers the best results. It is only possible when the team has the right sales tools and technologies at place to work with better productivity. Automating sales workflows in your CRM can significantly boost efficiency of your team and help reduce manual and time consuming efforts.

Here is a detailed guide you can follow in order to start automating workflows in your CRM system.

1. Identify Processes

Before you automate any workflow in CRM, you need to identify what needs to be automated. There can be a range of processes which you want to automate, however sooner you may realize that either some of them are not-feasible to be automated or some of them end up not giving the required ROI on the effort spent automating the workflows. Hence, this steps is crucial step in your sales automation journey. Start with collecting the list of sales tasks which your team spend the most time upon. Next, try to identify which all tasks are redundant and repetitive in nature. 

2. Check Automation Feasibility

Once this is done, the next step is to assess the technical feasibility of automating the task in your CRM system. Your CRM system should support your use case, otherwise you may be required to contact your CRM service provider in order to help you with add-on features or customizations. 

3. Decide Automation Priority

Once you have identified this, try to assign an order of priority in which you want to automate the processes. The priority can be set basis Business urgency or potential ROI to be generated post automation or based on the expected time savings for the sales staff.

4. Create Workflows in CRM system

Once you have identified the priority, you can start creating workflows in your CRM system for the processes which needs to be automated on first priority. Depending upon your CRM vendor, your CRM should allow you to create workflows by defining the automation trigger points and the corresponding action which should happen. An example workflow trigger point can be the time when a new lead is added, and an action which should happen can be a welcome introductory email sent to the new lead or creation of tasks in the CRM for follow up activities, etc.

5. Test, Iterate and Refine

Last but not the least! Teams should try to test the implementation automation, and iteratively refine up the automation. CRM workflow automation is not a one-time effort as it may appear to be, it should be adopted with an innovation mindset, where in teams should constantly try to identify the redundant and repeatable tasks in their day to day activities and try to automate them in order to improve business efficiency.

By the way, if you are yet to try out a CRM software for your business. Do check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM Software. It’s Free!

Practical Cold Emailing tips for Entrepreneurs

Cold emailing is one of the powerful tools in an Entrepreneur’s arsenal. If used well, it can do wonders for a startup. You can use it for sales, getting deals, getting investments, getting mentors and many more. But the fact is most often cold emails get ignored. If your approach is incorrect, you may rarely get a reply from the recipient. 

In this post, I would like to share some tips to make your cold emails more appealing. This shall surely help you get more replies to your cold emails.

1. Personalize and Customize

The most important element of any cold mail is personalization. People won’t even bother to read any email from an unknown person let alone reply to it, unless it is relevant to them. You can make your emails relevant to the recipient by personalizing your email. 

Remember, sending cold emails is different from a mass email campaign. Since cold emails are sent to a limited set of people, you should be able to do a bit of research about your prospect before sending them a cold email. 

You may look out for publicly available information on company websites, their social media profiles in Linkedin or Facebook, any newspaper articles, etc. In your email, you may cite such instances such as you liked reading their article on Linkedin or liked reading their thoughts on media publications, etc. This will help you warm up your prospect.

2. Keep it short, quick and easy to read

When you are sending your first cold mail, ensure to keep it short and concise. Avoid sending any detailed business proposals in the mail content when you are just trying to initiate the conversation. A short and to the point content is faster to read and act. The easier it is for the reader to understand and act, the faster you tend to get replies.

3. Talk about solving a business pain point

If you are selling to a B2B client, then everyone’s goal is to solve some or the other business challenges in their organization. Instead of selling the features of your product you will be required to talk about solving a business pain point being faced by your prospect. This will generate more interest and will help you improve your reply rate.

4. Don’t sell anything in the mail 

Many beginners tend to make mistakes by trying to sell their products within the first cold email itself. This approach is bound to just worsen your brand image and you may never get a response. The purpose of a cold email is to get a meeting or an appointment with the prospect. The best approach is to ask for a short discovery call to begin with. The first discovery call will give you enough information to decide whether it is a qualified lead worth pursuing further or not.

5. Avoid describing product features

As I wrote earlier, avoid describing your product features in your first cold email. This is because, in the beginning, even you will not be aware of your lead having any real requirement for your products or services. Additionally, you should avoid pushing any unsolicited information to the lead such as product features and specifications without gauging the level of interest from the leads.

6. Avoid sounding like a template

Many beginners tend to make the mistake of using cold email templates available on the internet. While it is not wrong to use templates, often they send the same email contents to the prospects without modifying as per their context. While you may feel confident with that, the fact is people can smell templates because those are so common. People want to hear from People instead of Machines. So you must bring out your personal tone in your emails. This shall help build a connection and a relationship to initiate a conversation. 

7. Follow up till you get a reply.

Success in sales lies in timely tracking and follow-ups. Many research suggests that salespersons tend to get replies after the 8th follow-up. You may not need to wait till the 8th one if you do a timely follow-up. It is highly likely to get a reply in your 3rd or 4th email. So always ensure to follow up with your prospects. Ideally, you should follow up within 2-3 days otherwise the prospect may forget.

Hope you found these tips useful. If you are interested in trying out CRM software for Cold Emails and Lead tracking, Do check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM. It’s Free!

How to give a Perfect Sales Demo?

Giving a perfect sales demo always helps you close deals quickly and shorten your sales cycle. But often many Entrepreneurs and Sales teams struggle to give a perfect sales demo to seal the deal. 

In this post, we shall explore some handy tips to help you give a perfect sales demo every single time.

Photo by MART PRODUCTION from Pexels

1. Research about the prospect

Sales demo is yet another form of a meeting. To make best use of the meeting, you should do your homework right. Before the meeting, try to spend some time researching your prospect and understand the context. Try to learn more about the company where the prospect works, the industry in which they work, the types of customers they have, their business, their long term and short term goals, their pain points and how your solution is going to help them.

2. Inform the agenda of the demo beforehand

While scheduling a demo, always ensure to inform the agenda and give a brief outline of what you plan to cover during the course of the meeting. Having a pre-planned agenda helps you to avoid any surprise questions during the course of the demo and the prospect would have come prepared. 

Some demos tend to be detailed while some tend to be very short depending upon the solution you are trying to sell. When prospects are aware of the expectations, they are well prepared to focus longer or shorter as per the plan.

In addition to that, this also gives an opportunity to the prospect to suggest any additional topic in advance, which they would like you to cover during the demo.

3. Before starting the demo, establish trust/rapport:

Before you start the demo session, spend a few moments to warm up your prospects. You can ask about what's happening, try to make them feel comfortable with you. This helps to bring a sense of connection and helps to establish trust and rapport. This way they would be attentive and interested during the course of the demo.


4. Personalize the demo

Instead of trying to give a plain and generic demo about the product, try to personalize the demo based on their expectations and pain points. You would be already familiar with their pain points based on your previous discovery call or lead qualification call. If you are unaware, then you can also take some inputs from the customers on their pain points during the course of the demo and try to personalize the presentation.

5. Focus on Solution selling than Feature selling

Remember that prospects are more interested to know how your product will help you solve their pain points rather than knowing the nitty-gritty of each and every small feature of your product. Try to sell solutions instead of doing a feature list dump during the presentation.

6. Pause regularly and seek questions/feedback during the demo

A good demo is the one that helps to keep the prospect engaged. Prospects are well engaged if you involve them in a two-way conversation instead of doing a one-way presentation. During the course of your demo, you can pause at regular intervals and prompt them to ask any questions or give feedback during the demo. Making them talk keeps them interested throughout.

7. Note down any specific query to be addressed later

When you are selling a solution, you are bound to get certain queries that you may need to explore further to answer them better. Instead of blabbering any wrong facts to the prospect, you may make notes of the queries in your meeting notes or in a CRM like ToolsonCloud to come back on it later. 

I hope you will find these tips useful.

If you are looking for a Sales CRM to manage your sales process, Feel free to check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM. You can also schedule your sales demo meetings directly from your CRM application. 

4 Tips on How to Convert Your Leads into Sales


Photo by Lukas from Pexels

It takes skills to find leads, but it requires more effort to convert these leads into sales. Based on the research conducted by Verse, marketing and sales teams leave about 55% of leads neglected. This shows how the majority of leads don’t convert into sales are put to waste, but you can take measures to reduce lost leads and produce better conversion rates.  

Leads are vital if you want your company to succeed and different teams from your organization should work together. Read more on how to convert leads into customers.

1. Assess Your Organization

Identify the pain points in your company to improve your lead generation and conversion process. You may look into the following factors during the assessment:

  • Company size - How you will approach conversion depends on your manpower
  • Channel - Look at the existing channels which will reveal which is the least profitable and most effective channel
  • Demographics - Understand the demographics of the market conditions, your target leads, and local competitors
  • Industry - Taking a look at the general picture of your industry will also help to stay updated on trends in the targeted leads
  • Conversion cycle stage - By analyzing the exact points where leads’ interest go downhill, you’ll be able to adjust your conversion process.

2. Stay in Touch with Your Audience

Buyers and consumers are more skeptical of the rampant push-for-sales and advertising they see online. Hence, you must maintain constant communication with them. Instead of spending the majority of your time researching leads, scheduling calls, and planning emails, allot time to actually talk to your existing prospects. Doing this will take you out of the loop of simply generating and capturing leads and contacts without converting them into sales. 

Lead conversion software can help you keep in touch with your audience as you no longer have to manually manage your leads. ToolsonCloud is one CRM application that can help you organize your leads. Its email integration feature sends emails to contacts directly from the application. In addition, it is cloud-based which stores all information online. With this feature, you and your team can organize personal contacts for your leads.

Part of keeping in touch with your audience is determining unresponsive leads. You may do this through quick follow-up emails or phone calls asking your leads if they are interested in purchasing the service or product. This is an effective way to weed out dead leads and to quickly convert leads into sales before a lot of time passes. 

3. Focus On Monitoring

After identifying your dead and active leads, you already have an idea on what specific leads to invest your energy and time into. It’s best to know what stage your leads are at the moment. Better visibility on the active leads will give you insights on the next steps to take.

From the moment that the leads are generated, make it a habit to record the leads. As you do this by using CRM software, you’ll be able to monitor the leads better throughout the sales funnel. 

Furthermore, CRM helps with this tracking process. If you can find one that provides reports and insights, then that would provide data-based decisions for your organization. ToolsonCloud has very useful tracking features like adding activity and setting reminders for follow-up tasks, insights reports, and sales pipeline manager.

4. Collaborate with Your Team

You must communicate goals to your team. Goals are set by the upper management, but it's the entire company that will have to implement them. There are many ways to communicate goals. You can do it via a formal document, face-to-face or virtual meetings, or through a software that allows collaborative features. Whatever way you choose, it’s important that you define your goals, craft a strategy, stick to it, and implement it. 

The best lead management software allows social collaboration. ToolsonCloud provides you with the freedom to collaborate within sales teams with its options to assign leads, deals, or tasks. You may also measure the performance of your employees with ToolsonCloud which promotes accountability.

Path Towards Sales

It can be overwhelming to figure out how to convert customers into sales. However, you can take on the above-mentioned actionable steps.

Your journey towards converting leads to sales may also be aided by different platforms and software. You may build organic leads using social media or manage active leads using a CRM software.

You can take your pick for the platform and software that you are going to use. If you are looking for a CRM software with a clean and lightweight user interface, then try ToolsonCloud by signing up here for free.

What is a Sales process and why do I need one?

This is one of the commonly asked questions from sales professionals as well as entrepreneurs who are getting into sales for their startup.

Let us explore more about the Sales process and the need for it in detail

What is a Sales Process?

Sales process refers to the well-defined steps for sales comprising various sales activities which helps in closing the deal thus leading to final conversion. The process of every organization may differ depending upon the industry in which they operate and the complexity of the business. However, there are certain common steps that are part of the sales process which are used as a reference. These are:

  1. Prospecting for Qualified Leads
  2. Pitching them the solution to generate interest
  3. Based on their interest, having further discussions with a detailed presentation, demo, etc.
  4. Negotiation on contract, pricing, and terms & conditions.
  5. Deal Closure
  6. Order, Invoicing, Payment follow-up, etc.

Sales Cycle

Using these steps as a reference, a Sales Manager or an Entrepreneur can easily build their sales process as per the context of their organization structure and process.

Well before we proceed, if you are planning to make use of CRM software to help organize your sales process, feel free to check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM.

Why do you need a well-defined Sales Process?

More often we may find a defined sales process is only present in large organizations and not followed religiously in small businesses or startups. When the startups start scaling up, they realize their sales process is too complex to scale fast. This is where they start looking towards building an effective sales process.

Here are some of the reasons why you may need a well-defined sales process…

1. Scalability

When you have defined steps to follow as part of your sales process, it becomes a framework or a blueprint for your team to follow. Your team can just follow the blueprint and easily close the deal faster compared to when each of the sales representatives tries to follow their own approach which might work or might not.

2. Easy to Learn, Train, Mentor

Having a clear process that is followed across the team helps your team to easily learn that and they are equipped to easily train your new joiners to onboard them faster. Otherwise, if there is no process, whenever you assign a mentor to the new joiner, the takeaways will always be different for each new joiner and may lead to misalignment.

3. Low Customer Acquisition Cost

When you have a well-defined process, teams tend to spend less time recreating already validated experiments and focus on what works. This allows them to close more deals in a lesser amount of time which automatically brings down your sales operation cost. Lower the sales operation cost, lower becomes your customer acquisition cost. This way, you will be ready to close more deals with the same amount of sales budget.

4. Better Brand Image and Customer Loyalty

Customers often love organizations that follow a well-structured approach to whatever they do. This also includes how they sell and onboard the customers. If the sales process is streamlined and smooth, the customers will also be able to sense it based on the different sales touchpoints they experienced and how fast they were onboarded. Having a good onboarding experience always helps build a better brand image and customer loyalty. Loyal customers often become evangelists and they refer more customers to you.

I hope you liked reading this post. A good CRM tool always helps the sales team to work on a pre-planned and streamlined sales process. This also helps the sales manager keep track of the state of any particular lead so that they can pitch in to help out the team at the right moment. 

If you are yet to try out a CRM tool for your team, feel free to check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM. ToolonCloud CRM allows you to create your own sales process with the help of customizable deal pipelines and stages.