Automated Emails on Lead assignment in CRM

We just did a major release this month with a new feature on ToolsonCloud CRM. With this update, we introduced Workflow Automation module in the CRM. 

To start with, users will be able to create an automated workflow to send email notifications upon creating and assignment of any new lead in the CRM. 

Here is a brief about this release…


There was a need where CRM users wanted to create their own custom workflows based on certain events or actions which are happening in their CRM account.

Some of the examples of these workflows may include but not limited to: 

  1. Notification to be sent to the Sales owner whenever a new lead is assigned them, 
  2. Sending a welcome email to a newly added lead or deal’s prospect, 
  3. Automatically assigning the sales representative of the leads or deal based on the deal value or type of leads, etc.

Hence we wanted to introduce a Workflow Automation module in CRM to equip the users with the capability to create custom workflows to automate their sales processes.

What’s New?

With this new update, we have introduced a new module in CRM for Workflow automation.

Using this module, users will be able to create custom workflows against various event triggers in the CRM. To start with, users will be able to create workflows against the “Lead created” event trigger.

Users can create various actions against the event trigger. To start with the new update, users will be able to create an action to send email notifications to the Sales owner using a custom made email template.

To use this feature, all users can go to Settings > Common Settings > Workflow Automation

To create a new workflow, users can click on “Create workflow” button.

In the next page, users can give a custom title for the workflow,

In the next step, users need to select the Trigger Entity as “Lead” and Event as “Created”. This implies the custom workflow will be triggered when a new lead is created in the CRM.

In the next step, users need to select the Action Type as “Send Email” and Attribute as “To Sales Owner”. This implies that the action i.e. an email notification will be sent to the sales owner of the lead whenever the selected event gets triggered (i.e. a new lead is created).

In the next option, users need to select the Email Template which system should use while sending this email. If you have not created a custom email template, then you can do so in Email template module by visiting it from “Email” menu on top navigation bar and selecting “Email Templates” from sidebar menu links.

Once you are done creating the workflow, you are all set. You can do a test run by creating one test lead in your CRM account to check if the emails are sent or not.

Soon we shall add a host of new trigger events and actions to support more such use cases for our customers.

I hope you will like using this feature. Do let me know your thoughts and feedback.

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