Instagram Reels and Tiktok video ideas for your small business

Ever since the emergence of Covid pandemic, Short Video consumption in various platforms such as Tiktok, Instagram and Youtube has significantly increased. Instagram Reels and Tiktok have grown to become the biggest channels for small businesses to get discovered online.

Instagram Reels and Tiktok with its AI based targeting ensures it reaches the intended audience who are really interested in those content. This way your videos have higher chances of getting viral since it is always shown to audiences having similar interest. This makes it a lot easier and faster for you to get discovered and promote your business.

In this post, let us explore some interesting ideas for you to get inspired and make Instagram Reels or Tiktok videos for your Small business:

Before we get started, If you are yet to try a CRM for your business, then do feel free to check out ToolsonCloud Sales CRM.

1. Product Showcase

Make short videos showcasing the different products you sell. If you sell products with limited variants, then you may try showcasing the same in different backgrounds, places, angles, etc. Try to make videos with human elements in it rather than posting plain business-like photographs which appear more like an obvious advertisement. The goal here is to make a connection with your audience.

2. Product Making process

If you are a manufacturer of the product, you can showcase your small factory or room where you make your products. This will attract a set of curious audiences who love watching how their favourite products are actually made. Sometimes you may get a feeling that if you show them how the products are made, they may start their own business that way. But this happens rarely, Your buyers are better off paying you the small amount for making and delivering the products than taking all the hassles of making it all their own. 

3. Product Packaging process

People love to watch how the ecommerce packages are packed before it reaches them. Creating packaging videos also gives you a chance to showcase how much care you take while packaging every single order for your valuable customers. 

4. Videos with Celebrations

Make short videos of special milestones in your small business. This can be events such as a big order dispatch, or an order dispatch to a far away location such as an international customer or a first customer from a new state or a city. You can also make special videos for your returning customers. This way you will also earn the trust of your audience who now know that you do have returning customers.

5. Marketing materials like your flyers, brochures, etc.

As a small business you might have prepared certain flyers and brochures for your offline customers or some promotional cards which you usually place in your packages to attract returning customers. You can make use of them to make short videos.

6. Customer Testimonials, Reviews, Feedbacks

Whenever you deliver an order, try to get some feedback and reviews from your customers. Whenever you get such feedback either in the form of Whatsapp messages, emails or video messages, you can repurpose it in the form of short videos.

7. Free tools you use to manage your business 

Sometimes your audience would be curious on how you manage your small business. You can share some of the tools you use to do the same. Though these may not help you gain any direct business outcome, it helps build your credibility among your audience. 

8. Store visuals, Tours

You can make videos showcasing your store or warehouse tours. Those might be small and you might feel a bit uncomfortable showcasing a stingy store. Still a lot of the audience would find it amazing to know you more and would also love to find how bold and open you are when you do a store tour. 

A word of caution, while making tour videos, ensure to not share any privacy sensitive visuals in order to keep an appropriate boundary of personal life as well as business life. 

9. Videos of a new product or stock arrival in your store

You can create videos whenever you get a new product or inventory in your store. This way someone who might be interested in purchasing those may contact you in the future. 

10. Share useful tips for your audience

Over time you will build an audience with specific interests. Try to discover their interest and create short videos with useful tips for your audience.

11. Videos of your team

When your small business starts to grow from one person business to a small team. You may also create videos of how your team helps you pull the business together. You can post some funny moments with your team. Remember your business account is not just for promoting your content. It is also about sharing your story to the world. This way you build a connection.

12. Share your story

Being an entrepreneur or a small business owner, you will have your own set of unique challenges. Share your story, your day to day experiences, your learnings, what inspired you to start this business, the goals and plans you have for your business. This helps you build an emotional connect with your audience and they start to care about your purpose.

13. BTS videos while making Reels

While trying to make your videos, you might come across some funny moments. You can always create Behind the Scenes (BTS) videos.

14. Frequently asked questions from your customers/audiences

Last but not the least, Once you build an audience, you will soon start receiving similar questions from your audience on your products, business or any random topic which you covered in your earlier videos. You can create a list of frequently asked questions and make short and useful videos for your audience who might be having similar questions yet are afraid to DM you.

By the way, if you are looking to track your leads and contacts for your small business, Feel free to try ToolsonCloud Sales CRM which is built keeping in mind the needs of small businesses & startups.

 How to generate leads from Twitter organically?

Did you know, Twitter averages around 330 Million monthly active users. This puts Twitter as one of the largest social media marketing platforms for marketers. If you are not actively leveraging Twitter for lead generation for your business, then you should definitely gun for it.

Building a community around your business is one of the surest and fastest ways to grow your business. A well engaged community always puts you ahead with lesser marketing expenditure from end. 

In this post, let us explore the steps you need to take in order to grow an audience on twitter and leverage it to grow your business.

1. Build a compelling profile page

Your profile page is like a landing page of your business on Twitter. So you need to work towards building a compelling profile page. Ensure you use the appropriate Name of the account and the twitter handle. Your audience should be able to easily associate it with your business. Use a well designed and distinctive Logo. This way your audience will be able to form a brand imagery associated with that logo over a period of time. 

Your twitter profile page is nothing less than a landing page. So make sure your bio explains about your brand or product to your audience in one shot and can create an interest among them to discover more. Keep it easy to read and simple. Often the simpler messaging always wins.

Ensure to keep a landing page link on the website field of your twitter bio so that the interested visitors can click on that link to discover more about your products and services.

2. Build a Brand and credibility

Next, in order to build a followers base around your brand, you need to feed your audience with good content. Try to publish a good tweet every single day. The tweets can be about the industry you work in, the problem you are trying to solve, the benefits around the things which you are building or some trending topics in your industry.

Important thing to keep in mind is to avoid posting too promotional or salesy content on a regular basis. Most of the twitter users are there to discover new things which can help them in some or the other way, say improve their living or improve their business. But none of them would like regular promotional posts from an account. Hence try to tweet informative and useful posts which benefits your audience rather than trying to be too salesy.

The aim of social media marketing is to build a relationship. Great relationships are built on top of credibility. If you try to be too spammy, you stand the risk of losing your credibility and hence your brand image.

3. Go the extra mile and build a relationship

As I said, your goal should be to build a relationship. You can build this relationship by going the extra mile. One of the ways to build an effective relationship can be to send a thank you note whenever someone follows you. Well many of them would not have their twitter DM open, but still you may find a few where DMs are open. If you get a response from those DMs, you can use that opportunity to engage with them in a useful and relationship building conversation without trying to be salesy in the beginning.

4. Keep your DMs (Direct Message) open

You may face instances of people visiting your profile and would like to have a chat with you on DM before making a purchase intent on your website. Hence it is advisable to keep your DM open. This can be a good source of gathering HOT leads from Twitter.

5. Engage in Twitter threads

When you are trying to build your audience, one of your goals is getting discovered. The only way people can discover you is if your content or tweets show up on their feeds. If you check Twitter analytics, the metric “Reach” gives a measurable representation of your tweet views. To increase your reach, you should try to engage in conversation with others. You may try to engage with Influencers, Journalists or Leaders in your area. This is an easy way to get discovered since the tweets of high follower accounts tend to have high reach which can boost up your chances of getting discovered.

Things to keep in mind is that you should engage in meaningful conversation on the threads instead of putting spammy and repetitive comments. Remember you will get an audience when they find your comment to be interesting rather than an obvious comment.  Smart twitter users can easily differentiate between a promotional tweet or a genuine response.

6. Run Giveaways

To create awareness of your products and your brand, you may try to run promotional giveaways. One of the ways is to run a giveaway of an ebook or your product prompting your audience to comment their thoughts or answer a question being asked or retweet the thread. This shall help you gain more reach and engagement on your thread, which in turn shall bring in more followers.

Remember, not to overdo the giveaways. Not every audience may be able to benefit from a giveaway. Overdoing giveaways may demotivate some of your genuine followers and you stand the risk of losing the connection with your genuine followers.

I hope you will benefit from this post. Let me know your thoughts in the comments.

If you are looking for a Sales CRM software to track your leads from lead capture till deal closure. Feel free to try our CRM 

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Complete guide to Social CRM

What is Social CRM?

Social CRM refers to approach of managing customer relationship by using Social media as the channel to listen and engage with Customers.

In CRM Software context, when a traditional CRM is integrated with your social media channels to help you manage your customer relationships from social media channels, it is termed as Social CRM.

Need for Social CRM:

Marketers tends to make mistake of thinking Social Media platforms as the place to only broadcast their social media posts and drive traffic. 

But there is more to it. Social Media should be used for more for listening to the customers or prospects and engaging with them. 

Social CRM Landscape

Some associated facts:

As per a 2017, Techwire Asia article 
  • 95% of customer complaints on social media don’t reach companies.
  • 1/3rd of all customer complaints on social media are ignored.
  • 80% of surveyed companies said they deliver exceptional customer service on social media but only 8% of their customers agreed on the same.
  • 63% customers expect companies to offer customer service on Social media channels.
  • 90% of social media users used social media to engage/communicate with a brand.
  • When people get responses on social media, they are 30% more likely to recommend a brand to others.
  • Implementing a good Social CRM could help improve annual revenue by 81% through referrals as well as reduce customer churn by helping you improve customer retention up to 92%.

Benefits of social crm for sales teams:

  • Increase in Lead Inflow: Sales teams get to generate more leads from Social Media.
  • Hot Leads: The Leads from social media are mostly comes from referrals via viral posts or comments from their friends thus they are far more likely to convert.
  • Reduced Sales Cycle: The leads from Social Media are informed prospects, hence the sales cycle duration reduces thus helping in faster sales conversion.
  • Multichannel Selling: Modern Social Media platforms are also equipped with sales store front. Thus Social CRM helps track the sales or leads getting generated from multiple social media channels and bring it together inside one single CRM, thus enabling the organization towards multi-channel sales.

Benefits of social crm for Marketing team:

  • Better Customer Segmentation: Social CRM contains a lot of customer demographic information from social media. It helps the Marketers in better customer segmentation and enables them to create more contextual and personalized marketing campaigns.
  • Instant Feedback & Sentiment Analysis: Customers find it easier to interact on social media comments and messengers compared to usual email or ticket based communication on website. Social CRM is helping the Marketers get more up-to date real-time customer sentiments and feedback about their products and services from social media. This helps them improve their product and service offerings. Also it helps them optimize & improve their marketing communications.

Benefits of social crm for service teams:

  • Customer Issue Resolution: Sometimes Customers use social media channel as an escalation mechanism if they are not happy with the resolution provided by your usual service help desk. This shall help Service teams take the issue on priority and shall help them transfer the ticket to a more experienced customer service rep to take it to satisfactory closure. 
  • Process Improvement and Knowledge base Development: With social media sentiments on the issues, you get to understand certain frequently occurring issues which are painful for your customers. This data helps you do deep dive towards improving your customer resolution process better and improves you’re the knowledge base documentations for your service teams to serve future similar issues better.
  • Ease of Connect: Whenever customers are unable to get certain help with your product and services from available public sources, they find it easier to interact with their brands via social media or on your social media community to find answers to their queries.

Things to look for in a social crm:

  • Integration: Features such as Integration with top social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Instagram, YouTube, Pinterest, Telegram, WhatsApp, etc.
  • Analytics & Insights: The platform should be equipped to extract data from your social media channels to give you reports, analytics and actionable real-time insights on what is working out versus what is not working.
  • Social Media Management: It should let you manage your multiple social media accounts from one single platform such as post scheduling, comment and message notifications. Primarily it should equip you with Listening, Publishing and Engagement on your social channel.
  • Team Collaboration: It should offer a collaborative way of working so that you can add your team members in the application and work together.

Advances in Social CRM:

  • Automated Chat bots for answering to user messages, product enquiries, frequently asked questions sent on Social Media messengers.
  • Follower tracking features which lets you track lost followers in addition to new followers. Source of followers such as organic vs paid.
  • RoI Insights such on Organic Impressions vs Paid Impressions.
  • Budget based alerts and controls on Paid Social Media campaigns.
  • Integration with Video meeting platforms such as Skype, Zoom, Slack , etc, to take up instant product demo, calls or meetings with prospect.
  • Integration with document storage platforms to automatically sync and store artifacts related to key client conversations.
  • Social media sales workflow for automating many repeatable sales processes associated with new lead capture and nurturing via social media channels.
  • Ability to pull contact and other information from Prospect’s social media public profiles such as LinkedIn, Public databases, etc.

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